▼Nboost | |
►Nserialization | |
Cserialize_tuple_helper | |
▼NTomographer | Base namespace for the Tomographer project |
►NDenseDM | Main implementation for densely represented density matrices |
►NTSpace | Implementation of the random walk and figures of merit in T space, for densely represented density matrices |
CFidelityToRefCalculator | Calculate the fidelity to a reference state for each sample |
CLLHMHWalker | A random walk in the density matrix space of a Hilbert state space of a quantum system (uniform random unitary jumps; slower) |
CLLHMHWalkerLight | A random walk in the density matrix space of a Hilbert state space of a quantum system (elementary rotation jumps; faster) |
CObservableValueCalculator | Calculate expectation value of an observable for each sample |
CPurifDistToRefCalculator | Calculate the "purified distance" to a reference state for each sample |
CTrDistToRefCalculator | Calculate the trace distance to a reference state for each sample |
CDMTypes | C++ types needed to store a quantum state as a dense matrix |
CIndepMeasLLH | C++ types and functions for calculating the log-likelihood for POVM effects which can be written as a product of individual effects |
CInvalidMeasData | Exception class notifying of invalid measurement data |
CParamA | Parameterization of density matrices in su(N) generators |
CParamX | Convert hermitian matrices to vectors via their X Parameterization |
►NLogger | Tomographer's Logging Framework |
CBoostTestLogger | A logger we can use in tests, which calls BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE() |
CBufferLogger | Log messages into an internal memory buffer |
CDefaultLoggerTraits | Default traits for Logger implementations |
CFileLogger | Simple logger class which logs everything into a given FILE pointer |
CLocalLogger | Local logger: avoid having to repeat origin at each emitted message |
CLocalLoggerOriginSpec | Tool to specify arguments to LocalLogger |
CLoggerBase | Base logger class |
CLoggerTraits | Traits template struct to be specialized for specific Logger implementations |
CLoggerTraits< BoostTestLogger > | |
CLoggerTraits< BufferLogger > | Specialized Traits for BufferLogger – see LoggerTraits |
CLoggerTraits< FileLogger > | Specialized Traits for FileLogger – see LoggerTraits |
CLoggerTraits< LocalLogger< BaseLoggerType_ > > | Specialized Traits for LocalLogger. See LoggerTraits<BaseLoggerType_> |
CLoggerTraits< MinimumSeverityLogger< BaseLogger, Level > > | Specialized Traits for MinimumSeverityLogger – see LoggerTraits |
CLoggerTraits< MultiProc::CxxThreads::ThreadSanitizerLogger< BaseLogger > > | Specialized Traits for Tomographer::MultiProc::OMP::ThreadSanitizerLogger<BaseLogger> – see Tomographer::Logger::LoggerTraits<LoggerType> |
CLoggerTraits< MultiProc::OMP::ThreadSanitizerLogger< BaseLogger > > | Specialized Traits for Tomographer::MultiProc::OMP::ThreadSanitizerLogger<typename BaseLogger> – see Tomographer::Logger::LoggerTraits<typename LoggerType> |
CLoggerTraits< OriginFilteredLogger< BaseLogger > > | Specialized Logger Traits for OriginFilteredLogger – see LoggerTraits |
CLoggerTraits< OriginPrefixedLogger< BaseLogger > > | Specialized Traits for OriginPrefixedLogger – see LoggerTraits |
CLoggerTraits< tpy::GilProtectedPyLogger > | |
CLoggerTraits< tpy::PyLogger > | |
CLoggerTraits< VacuumLogger > | Specialied Traits for VacuumLogger. See LoggerTraits<BaseLogger> |
CLogLevel | Object which stores a log level and can initialize from a string |
CMinimumSeverityLogger | Logger which statically discards any messages less important than a fixed severity |
COriginFilteredLogger | A logger which filters entries according to where they originated from |
COriginPrefixedLogger | Logger which prepends to each origin string a fixed prefix |
CStaticIsAtLeastOfSeverity | Helper for statically determining if Level is at least as severe as BaseLevel |
CVacuumLogger | Logger that discards all messages |
►NMAT | Utilities and helpers for reading MATLAB .mat files |
CDimList | An array of ints which specifies a list of dimensions |
►CEigenPosSemidefMatrixWithSqrt | Read a positive semidefinite matrix along with its matrix square root |
CParams | Parameters to read the positive semidefinite matrix |
CException | Base Exception class for errors within our MAT routines |
CFile | A MATLAB file open for reading data |
CFileOpenError | Error while opening a MATLAB file |
CGetStdVector | Ask for this type in Var::value<typename T>() to get an std::vector of the data |
CIndexList | A list of indices with an API for linear or subindices access |
CIndexListIterator | Utility to iterate over a multidim array by increasing linear index |
CInvalidIndexError | Invalid index or index list provided to a routine |
CMatType | Map matio's constants to C/C++ types |
CMatType< MAT_T_DOUBLE > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_DOUBLE |
CMatType< MAT_T_INT16 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_INT16 |
CMatType< MAT_T_INT32 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_INT32 |
CMatType< MAT_T_INT64 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_INT64 |
CMatType< MAT_T_INT8 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_INT8 |
CMatType< MAT_T_SINGLE > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_DOUBLE |
CMatType< MAT_T_UINT16 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_UINT16 |
CMatType< MAT_T_UINT32 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_UINT32 |
CMatType< MAT_T_UINT64 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_UINT64 |
CMatType< MAT_T_UINT8 > | Specialization of MatType for MAT_T_UINT8 |
CVar | A MATLAB variable in the MAT file |
CVarError | Exception relating to a MATLAB variable in the data file |
CVarMatTypeError | Unknown type of a variable present in the data file |
CVarReadError | Error while reading a variable from the MATLAB data file |
CVarShape | Describe shape of variable and whether it is complex |
CVarTypeError | Type mismatch (wrong type requested) in a variable read from the MATLAB data file |
CVarValueDecoder | Specializable template which takes care of decoding values |
CVarValueDecoder< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | Decoder for Eigen::Matrix types |
CVarValueDecoder< EigenPosSemidefMatrixWithSqrt< EigenType_ > > | Specialization of VarValueDecoder for extracting a positive semidefinite matrix along with sqrt |
CVarValueDecoder< GetStdVector< T, IsRowMajor > > | Specialization of VarValueDecoder to obtain an std::vector with the matrix data. See GetStdVector |
CVarValueDecoder< std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols >, Alloc > > | Decoder for a std::vector of elements of type Eigen::Matrix |
CVarValueDecoder< T, _IS_NUMERIC_TYPE > | Interface to read out a single numeric value |
►NMathTools | General math routines |
►NSolveCLyap | Definitions for solving the Complex Lyapunov Equation |
CSolveError | Error while attempting to solve complex Lyapunov/Sylvester equation |
►NMHRWTasks | Definitions for running multiple Metropolis-Hastings random walks, and collecting statistics over the visited samples |
►NValueHistogramTools | Tools for running random walk tasks while collecting a histogram of values |
CCDataBase | Constant data structure for MH random walk tasks with a value histogram stats collector |
CMHRWStatsResultsBaseSimple | Stores the result of the value histogram stats collector (version without binning analysis) |
CCDataBase | Data needed to be accessible to the working code |
CMHRandomWalkTask | Random Walk task, collecting statistics |
CMHRandomWalkTaskResult | Result of a task run |
►NMultiProc | Definitions for multi-processing classes and helpers |
►NCxxThreads | Definitions for multitasking using C++ Threads |
CTaskDispatcher | Dispatches tasks to parallel threads using C++11 native threads |
CThreadSanitizerLogger | Wrapper logger to call non-thread-safe loggers from a multithreaded environment |
►NMPI | Definitions for multitasking by exploiting an MPI environment (uses Boost.MPI) |
►Ntomo_internal | |
CSerializableDuration | |
CTaskDispatcher | Handles parallel execution of tasks using MPI |
►NOMP | Definitions for multitasking using OpenMP multithreading |
CTaskDispatcher | Dispatches tasks to parallel threads using OpenMP |
CThreadSanitizerLogger | Wrapper logger to call non-thread-safe loggers from a multithreaded environment |
►NSequential | A Sequential Task dispatcher running tasks one after the other |
CTaskDispatcher | Executes multiple tasks sequentially |
►NThreadCommon | Common definitions for thread-based MultiProc implementations |
►CTaskDispatcherBase | Provide common functionality to thread-based MultiProc implementations |
CTaskInterruptedInnerException | |
CThreadPrivateData | Thread-local variables and stuff — also serves as TaskManagerIface |
►CThreadSharedData | Thread-shared variables |
CSchedule | |
CStatusReport | |
CFullStatusReport | A complete status report, abstract version |
CTasksInterruptedException | |
CTaskStatusReport | Basic status report class |
►NTools | Various useful tools |
CBadFmtsFormat | Exception for bad printf format |
CComplexRealScalar | The Real scalar type corresponding to a std::complex type |
CComplexRealScalar< std::complex< RealScalar > > | Implementation of ComplexRealScalar for complex types |
CConcatenate | |
CConcatenate< T, Sequence< T, I1... >, Sequence< T, I2... > > | |
CConsoleFormatterHelper | Minimal tool for formatting console stuff with fixed line width |
Cconststr | A constexpr string type |
►CEigenAlignedOperatorNewProvider | Provides correct operator-new implementation for Eigen types via the NeedOwnOperatorNew mechanism |
COperatorNewAllocatorType | |
CEigenAssertException | Exception that is thrown upon failed eigen_assert |
CEigenStdVector | Use this if you need an std::vector of any Eigen type |
CFmtFootnotes | Helper to format footnotes in Fmt |
CGenerateSequence | |
CGenerateSequence< T, N, typename std::enable_if<(N==0), void >::type > | |
CGenerateSequence< T, N, typename std::enable_if<(N==1), void >::type > | |
ChasOStreamOp | Traits class to see whether an object exposes a "<<" operator overload for std::ostream |
CNeedEigenAlignedOperatorNew | Helper to specialize NeedOwnOperatorNew for Eigen types |
CNeedEigenAlignedOperatorNew< false > | |
CNeedOwnOperatorNew | Provide appropriate operator new() definitions for a structure which has a member of the given stored types |
CNeedOwnOperatorNew< Eigen::Array< Scalar, FixedRows, FixedCols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | Specialize NeedOwnOperatorNew for Eigen types |
CNeedOwnOperatorNew< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, FixedRows, FixedCols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | Specialize NeedOwnOperatorNew for Eigen types |
CNeedOwnOperatorNew< T > | Specialization of NeedOwnOperatorNew for a single type |
CNeedOwnOperatorNew< Type1, Type2, OtherTypes... > | |
CNoSpecialOperatorNew | Helper for NoSpecialOperatorNewProvider |
►CNoSpecialOperatorNewProvider | Provider for regular types which don't need any special operator-new implementation (see NeedOwnOperatorNew) |
COperatorNewAllocatorType | |
CSequence | |
CSigHandlerTaskDispatcherStatusReporter | A generic handler which requests a status report from an TaskDispatcher Interface |
CSignalHandler | An abstract signal handler (C++ interface) |
CSimpleWordWrapper | |
CStaticOrDynamic | A type which stores a value possibly known at compile-time |
CStaticOrDynamic< T_, true, StaticValue_ > | Template Specialization – see StaticOrDynamic<T_,IsDynamic_,StaticValue_> |
CStatusProvider | Template, specializable class to provide status reports for different objects |
CStatusProvider< MHRWMovingAverageAcceptanceRatioStatsCollector< CountIntType_ > > | Provide status reporting for a MHRWMovingAverageAcceptanceRatioStatsCollector |
CStatusProvider< MHRWMultipleControllers< Args... > > | Provide status reporting for a MHRWMultipleControllers |
CStatusProvider< MHRWStepSizeController< MHRWMovingAverageAcceptanceRatioStatsCollectorType, BaseLoggerType, StepRealType, IterCountIntType > > | |
CStatusProvider< MultipleMHRWStatsCollectors< Args... > > | Provide status reporting for a MultipleMHRWStatsCollectors |
CStatusProvider< ValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollector< ValueCalculator_, LoggerType_, HistogramType_ > > | Provide status reporting for a ValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollector |
CStatusProvider< ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector< Params_, LoggerType_ > > | Provide status reporting for a ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector |
CStatusQuery | Query status from different objects |
CStoreIfEnabled | Utility that stores a data type if a compile-time flag is enabled |
CStoreIfEnabled< T_, true > | Specialization of StoreIfEnabled<T_,enabled> for if we're storing a value |
CAggregatedHistogramSimple | Histogram aggregator, if each histogram doesn't have error bars |
CAggregatedHistogramWithErrorBars | Histogram aggregator, if each individual histogram already has error bars |
CAveragedHistogram | Combines several histograms (with same parameters) into an averaged histogram |
CBinningAnalysis | Simple binning analysis for determining error bars |
CBinningAnalysisParams | Group template parameters for BinningAnalysis |
CBinningErrorBarConvergenceSummary | Brief summary of convergence of error bars from a binning analysis |
CHistogram | Stores a histogram |
CHistogramParams | The parameters of a Histogram |
CHistogramWithErrorBars | Stores a histogram along with error bars |
CMHRandomWalk | A Metropolis-Hastings Random Walk |
CMHRWAcceptRatioWalkerParamsController | Basic functionality for a MHRWController Interface to adjust MHWalkerParams based on keeping the acceptance ratio within a required range |
CMHRWControllerInvoker | Helper class to invoke a MHRWController Interface 's callbacks |
CMHRWMovingAverageAcceptanceRatioStatsCollector | |
CMHRWMultipleControllers | A MHRWController Interface which combines several independent random walk controllers |
CMHRWParams | Specify the parameters of a Metropolis-Hastings random walk |
CMHRWStatsCollectorNoResult | An empty struct used as a ResultType in MultipleMHRWStatsCollector for stats collectors which don't really produce results |
CMHRWStatusReport | Status Report structure representing the status of a MHRandomWalk |
CMHRWStepSizeController | A MHRWController Interface dynamically adjusting the step size to keep a good acceptance ratio |
CMHRWValueErrorBinsConvergedController | A MHRWController Interface which stops the random walk after enough samples have been taken to make all bins of a histogram have converged error bars |
CMHWalkerParamsStepSize | An MHWalkerParams type which just stores a step size |
CMultipleMHRWStatsCollectors | A simple MHRWStatsCollector interface which combines several stats collectors |
CMultiplexorValueCalculator | A ValueCalculator implementation which the choice of which ValueCalculator to use at run-time |
CPeriodicStatusReportMHRWStatsCollector | A "stats collector" which produces status reports periodically |
CPredStatusReportMHRWStatsCollector | A "stats collector" which produces status reports whenever a predicate evaluates to true |
CValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollector | A StatsCollector which builds a histogram of values calculated with a ValueCalculator for each data sample point |
CValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector | Collect a histogram of values from a MH random walk, with binning analysis |
CValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollectorParams | Traits-like class for ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector |
CValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollectorResult | Result type of a ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector |
▼Ntpy | C++ Classes and Utilities for Python Modules |
►Ntomo_internal | |
CDummyValueCalculator | |
CExceptionWithDocstring | |
CFullStatusReport | Complete status report for multiple tasks running in parallel |
CGilProtectedPyLogger | Logger type that relays to (wraps around) a PyLogger while protecting the call with GIL acquisition |
CHistogram | Histogram class like Tomographer::Histogram, but with NumPy arrays storage |
CHistogramWithErrorBars | A Histogram with real counts and error bars. See Tomographer::HistogramWithErrorBars |
CPyFetchedException | Helper for catching exceptions in a thread and re-raising them |
CPyLogger | Logger providing transparent integration with Python's logging module |
CPyMHWalkerParamsToDict | C++ utility to convert a Python dictionary of fields into a valid C++ MHWalkerParams object |
CPyMHWalkerParamsToDict< Tomographer::MHWalkerParamsStepSize< StepRealType > > | Specialization of PyMHWalkerParamsToDict for Tomographer::MHWalkerParamsStepSize |
CPyStatusReportAddWorkerDataFields | C++ utility to populate the data field of a WorkerStatusReport for a given TaskType |
CPyStatusReportAddWorkerDataFields< Tomographer::MHRWTasks::MHRandomWalkTask< CData, Rng > > | Add fields to the given dict, from a status report sent in by a Tomographer::MHRWTasks::MHRandomWalkTask |
CTomographerCxxError | Base exception class for errors in the tomographer python module |
CWorkerStatusReport | Report of the status of a single worker |