Tomographer  v1.1
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
TomoProblem Interface

This is a ‘type interface.’ See Type Interfaces for more info on what that is.

Stores the data relevant for a tomography problem. Includes:

  • a MatrQ Interface object, which stores the dimension and is able to construct requested types;
  • cached values of dim, dim2=dim*dim, and Ndof=dim*dim-1
  • a factor by which to artificially amplify/reduce the number of frequency counts
  • the list of POVM effects and their frequency counts (measurement data)
  • the maximum likelihood estimate, along with cached values of various of its parameterizations
  • a method which can calculate the loglikelihood function.

See also: Tomographer::IndepMeasTomoProblem<MatrQ_,LLHValueType_,UseCLoopInstead>

const MatrQ matrq;
A MatrQ Interface object which we may use to create matrices etc.
const IntegralType dim;
Cached dimension.
const IntegralType dim2;
Cached value of dim*dim
const IntegralType Ndof;
Cached value of dim*dim-1
typedef .. LLHValueType;
The type to use to store the value of the loglikelihood function calculated by calc_llh().
LLHValueType NMeasAmplifyFactor;
Factor by which to multiply all measurement frequencies when calculating the loglikelihood function
typename MatrQ::VectorParamListType Exn;
The POVM Entries, parameterized with X Parameterization
typename MatrQ::FreqListType Nx;
The frequency list, i.e. number of times each POVM effect was observed
typename MatrQ::MatrixType rho_MLE;
Maximum likelihood estimate as density matrix
typename MatrQ::MatrixType T_MLE;
Maximum likelihood estimate as T Parameterization of the density matrix
typename MatrQ::VectorParamType x_MLE;
Maximum likelihood estimate as X Parameterization
LLHValueType calc_llh(const typename MatrQ::VectorParamType & x) const;
Calculate the loglikelihood function, defined as

\[ \lambda\left(\rho\right) = -2\,\ln\,\mathrm{tr}\left[B^n\,\rho^{\otimes n}\right]\ . \]

The argument x is the X Parameterization of the density matrix at which the loglikelihood function should be evaluated.