Tomographer  v1.1
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
MatrQ Interface

This is a ‘type interface.’ See Type Interfaces for more info on what that is.

Declares types for dealing with quantum states and POVMs of a fixed dimension which we'll call here dim. See also Tomographer::MatrQ.

typedef ... RealScalar
The real scalar type we're working with.
typedef ... ComplexScalar
The complex scalar type we're working with.
typedef ... IntFreqType
The integral type to use for measurement counts. Usually int is enough, except if in your experiment you take >1e9 measurements
typedef ... MatrixType
The type needed to represent a density matrix. This is usually expected to be a Eigen type.
int dim() const
The dimension of the quantum system. Return any integer type, usually std::size_t. Inline of course is better.
int dim2() const
The squared dimension of the quantum system. Return any integer type, usually std::size_t. Inline of course is better.
int ndof() const
The squared dimension of the quantum system, minus one. This is the number of degrees of freedom of the density matrix. Return any integer type, usually std::size_t. Inline of course is better.
MatrixType initMatrixType() const
Returns an expression which can be assigned to a MatrixType such that the matrix is initialized to a square dim x dim zero matrix.
typedef ... VectorParamType
The type needed to represent a X-parameterization of a density matrix. This is usually expected to be a Eigen type.
MatrixType initVectorParamType() const
Returns an expression which can be assigned to a VectorParamType such that the vector is initialized to a zero column vector with dim*dim entries.
typedef ... VectorParamNdofType
The type needed to represent some parameterization of a density matrix with dim*dim-1 parameters. This is usually expected to be a Eigen type.
MatrixType initVectorParamNdofType() const
Returns an expression which can be assigned to a VectorParamNdofType such that the vector is initialized to a zero column vector with dim*dim-1 entries.
typedef ... VectorParamListType
The type needed to represent a list of X-parameterizations of e.g. POVM effects, each with dim*dim parameters. This is usually expected to be a Eigen type.
MatrixType initVectorParamListType(std::size_t length) const
Returns an expression which can be assigned to a VectorParamListType such that the list is initialized to a list with length copies of a zero column vector with dim*dim entries.
typedef ... FreqListType
The type needed to represent frequency counts of measurements. This is typically an Eigen::Array integral type.
MatrixType initFreqListType(std::size_t len) const
Returns an expression which can be assigned to a FreqListType such that the vector is initialized to len items with zero counts each.