Tomographer  v1.0
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NTomographerBase namespace for the Tomographer project
 NLoggerTomographer's Logging Framework
 NMATUtilities and helpers for reading MATLAB .mat files
 NMHRWTasksDefinitions for running multiple random walks
 NMultiProcDefinitions for multi-processing classes and helpers
 NSolveCLyapDefinitions for solving the Complex Lyapunov Equation
 NToolsVarious useful tools
 CAveragedHistogramCombines several histograms (with same parameters) into an averaged histogram
 CBinningAnalysisSimple binning analysis for determining error bars
 CBinningAnalysisParamsGroup template parameters for BinningAnalysis
 CDMStateSpaceLLHMHWalkerA random walk in the density matrix space of a Hilbert state space of a quantum system
 CFidelityToRefCalculatorCalculate the fidelity to a reference state for each sample
 CIndepMeasTomoProblemStores data for a tomography problem with independent measurements
 CMatrQDefines the data types for a particular problem setting
 CMatrQBaseBasic definitions for MatrQ
 CMatrQBaseDimStoreHelper intermediate class for MatrQ
 CMatrQBaseDimStore< Derived, false >Specialization of MatrQBaseDimStore<Derived,has_fixed_dim> for dynamic sized types
 CMHRandomWalkA Metropolis-Hastings Random Walk
 CMHRWStatsCollectorStatusTemplate, specializable class to get status reports from stats collectors
 CMHRWStatsCollectorStatus< MultipleMHRWStatsCollectors< Args... > >Provide status reporting for a MultipleMHRWStatsCollectors
 CMHRWStatsCollectorStatus< ValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollector< ValueCalculator_, LoggerType_, HistogramType_ > >Provide status reporting for a ValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollector
 CMHRWStatsCollectorStatus< ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector< Params_, LoggerType_ > >Provide status reporting for a ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector
 CMultipleMHRWStatsCollectorsA simple MHRWStatsCollector interface which combines several stats collectors
 CObservableValueCalculatorCalculate expectation value of an observable for each sample
 CParamRhoAParameterization of density matrices in su(N) generators
 CPurifDistToRefCalculatorCalculate the "purified distance" to a reference state for each sample
 CRandomWalkBaseBase class performing an abstract random walk
 CTrDistToRefCalculatorCalculate the trace distance to a reference state for each sample
 CUniformBinsHistogramStores a histogram
 CUniformBinsHistogramWithErrorBarsStores a histogram along with error bars
 CValueHistogramMHRWStatsCollectorA StatsCollector which builds a histogram of values calculated with a ValueCalculator for each data sample point
 CValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollectorCollect a histogram of values from a MH random walk, with binning analysis
 CValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollectorParamsTraits-like class for ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollector