Tomographer  v5.1
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
Todo List
Class Tomographer::BinningAnalysis< Params, LoggerType_ >
Further optimizations. For now, the raw samples are stored until they can be flushed up to the last level. Change this to do what ALPS' implementation does: flushing whenever it can, using a much shorter memory buffer, see .
Member Tomographer::BinningAnalysis< Params, LoggerType_ >::calcErrorLevels (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &means) const
this should be optimizable, using directly bin_sumsq and not effectively repeating the powersOfTwo constants...
Member Tomographer::BinningAnalysisParams< ValueType_, NumTrackValues_, NumLevels_, StoreBinSums_, CountIntType_ >::SamplesSizeCTime
This might change in the future. It would be better to have an "auto-flushing" mechanism as in ALPS: which uses a shorter buffer. This would avoid limiting the number of binning levels because of memory size.
Class Tomographer::DenseDM::ParamA< DMTypes_ >
This class can probably be better optimized, as currently the inner products are calculated by Hilbert-Schmidt matrix multiplication ...
Member Tomographer::MAT::DimList::DimList (std::initializer_list< T > init)
Note to self: both syntaxes work, but I'm not sure which constructor exactly the second line calls ...?
Class Tomographer::MHRWValueErrorBinsConvergedController< ValueHistogramWithBinningMHRWStatsCollectorType_, IterCountIntType_, BaseLoggerType_ >
...... DOC ..............
Class Tomographer::MultiProc::OMP::ThreadSanitizerLogger< BaseLogger >
Buffer log entries here to optimize performance and to limit the number of #pragma omp critical blocks. —NO DON'T. It would make it complex to debug afterwards; if there is a crash, some messages may not be displayed making debugging difficult.
Class Tomographer::Tools::NeedOwnOperatorNew< Types >
It should also define the appropriate allocator type.... TODO maybe clean up API? and add documentation
Look up the exact conditions (compilers, platforms, stack sizes etc.) to make sure this macro has a correct value in all cases.