Tomographer  v5.0
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
Write a New Custom Logger

To write a new, custom Logger class, you need to do the following:

  • define your logger class and write the code that actually emits the log;
  • define logger traits to characterize your logger.

A simplistic example (simplified version of Tomographer::Logger::FileLogger) of a logger is given below.

class StderrLogger; // forward declaration
namespace Tomographer { namespace Logger {
// Traits for StderrLogger
struct LoggerTraits<StderrLogger> : DefaultLoggerTraits
enum {
// fprintf is actually thread-safe, so our logger is thread-safe
IsThreadSafe = 1,
// set this to a particular level to unconditinally discard any
// message logged with strictly lower importance level.
StaticMinimumImportanceLevel = -1
} } // namespaces
class StderrLogger : public Tomographer::Logger::LoggerBase<StderrLogger>
StderrLogger(int level = Tomographer::Logger::INFO)
: Tomographer::Logger::LoggerBase<StderrLogger>(level)
// Change the log level
// WARNING: This method is not thread-safe!
inline void setLevel(int level)
// call the protected LoggerBase<StderrLogger>::setLogLevel()
inline void emitLog(int level, const char * origin,
const std::string & msg)
std::string finalmsg;
if (level == Logger::ERROR) {
finalmsg = "ERROR: ";
} else if (level == Logger::WARNING) {
finalmsg = "Warning: ";
finalmsg += "["+std::string(origin)+"] " + msg;
// display the log message
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", finalmsg.c_str());