Tomographer  v4.1
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
Histogram Interface

This is a ‘type interface.’ See Type Interfaces for more info on what that is.

typedef .. Scalar
Type used to quantify the quantity which is binned into separate bins
typedef .. CountType
Type used to count the number of hits in each bin
static constexpr bool HasErrorBars = ..
Whether this Histogram type can provide error bars (e.g. obtained e.g. through binning analysis, or by averaging several histograms)

In the following, we use std::size_t as indexing type, but it can be replaced by any other integral type. You should use std::size_t if you store your histogram as a dense object (that's the type which can hold the size of the largest possible object which can be stored in memory).

std::size_t numBins() const
The number of bins in this histogram.
CountType count(std::size_t i) const
Number of counts in the bin number i
CountType errorBar(std::size_t i) const
(Only if HasErrorBars = true) Error bar (standard deviation) associated to the bin number i.