Tomographer  v1.0a
Tomographer C++ Framework Documentation
Todo List
Class Tomographer::BinningAnalysis< Params, LoggerType_ >
Further optimizations. For now, the raw samples are stored until they can be flushed up to the last level. Change this to do what ALPS' implementation does: flushing whenever it can, using a much shorter memory buffer, see .
Member Tomographer::BinningAnalysis< Params, LoggerType_ >::calc_error_levels (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &means) const
this should be optimizable, using directly bin_sumsq and not effectively repeating the powers_of_two constants...
Member Tomographer::BinningAnalysisParams< ValueType_, NumTrackValues_, NumLevels_, StoreBinSums_, CountIntType_ >::SamplesSizeCTime
This might change in the future. It would be better to have an "auto-flushing" mechanism as in ALPS: which uses a shorter buffer. This would avoid limiting the number of binning levels because of memory size.
Class Tomographer::MultiProc::OMP::ThreadSanitizerLogger< BaseLogger >
Buffer log entries here to optimize performance and to limit the number of #pragma omp critical blocks.
Member Tomographer::param_herm_to_x (Eigen::DenseBase< Derived1 > &x, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived2 > &Herm)
Currently, we can't pass an expression as second parameter here. So use Eigen::Ref instead to allow for that, too...
Member Tomographer::Tools::installSignalStatusReportHandler (int signum, SigHandler *sobj)
Don't replace the signal handlers for other signals. (Well ok, we only catch SIGINT anyway so this isn't a problem now.)