Writing Special-Purpose C++ Code with a Python Interface

If you want to perform a specific task which you can’t do with the general tomorun() function (say, implement a different jump function or use a different representation of density matrices), then you can write your basic components in C++ while providing a convenient Python interface for easily controlling and using your code.

The Tomographer Python Interface provides several C++ tools which you can use and which significantly simplifies your task. Also, all Python objects defined in the Tomographer Python Interface are available via C++.

We use the nice pybind11 tool for interfacing C++ with Python. It includes out-of-the-box interfacing of NumPy with Eigen. Learn its basic usage before carrying on too far here.

Here is minimal but entirely self-contained and fully functional template to get started with your custom C++/Python module. Create a directory called my_custom_module, and place the two files my_custom_module/my_custom_module.cxx and my_custom_module/setup.py in there. Enter that directory, and run compile the Python module:

> python setup.py build

You will notice that a directory build/lib.XXXXXXXX should have appeared. To test your compiled module, try out this little script, place it also in the my_custom_module directory and run:

> PYTHONPATH=build/lib.XXXXXXXX  python test_run.py

(Of course, you can also run the usual python setup.py install or python setup.py bdist_wheel etc.)

Here is a little overview of the contents of each file.

The C++ Source File(s)

The idea of the C++ file is to write all the computation in C++, using the classes from the Tomographer framework.

Most of the useful generic classes in the Tomographer framework are instantiated with standard template arguments and exposed to Python. See the tpy namespace for the full API documentation.

The tpy namespace most importantly contains a set of C++ typedefs, which are types which are already exposed as Python objects via the tomographer module. For instance, the template class MHRWParams is typedef’ed as tpy::MHRWParams. You’ll also find the types tpy::RealScalar, tpy::CountRealType, as well as tpy::IterCountIntType, tpy::HistCountIntType, tpy::TaskCountIntType and tpy::FreqCountIntType which specify the C++ types to use for floating-point values and integer values storing information about matrix elements, iteration counts, histogram counts, etc.

Note that some classes have slightly different implementations and aren’t just a typedef—for instance, tpy::Histogram is re-implemented to use NumPy objects, so it can store any data type, but at the same type provides almost transparent conversion to and from Tomographer::Histogram.

The classes in the tpy namespace are already exposed to Python in the tomographer module. When writing your own custom module, you can take advantage of these existing tools so that you don’t have to expose all these helper types yourself; rather they can be transparently passed between Python to/from C++. For instance, you can straightforwardly return a tpy::Histogram from a C++ function exposed to Python, and the result will be accessible from Python as a tomographer.Histogram object.


In order to set up the Tomographer Python API properly, you must call tpy::import_tomographer() at the beginning of your C++ module initialization function.

The Python setup.py file

This is a standard setup.py file for packaging Python packages, using setuptools. Read up on that.

There are various flags which need to be set when compiling your module, which you can simply steal from the tomographer module: indeed, the tomographer module exposes the flags it was compiled with, so you can just recycle them.

This setup.py script allows the user (you!) to specify options as environment variables, for instance:

>  CXX_FLAGS="-O0 -g3 -UNDEBUG -march=generic -std=c++11"  python setup.py build

This is done by using the Vars class: you give it a set of variables and default values, if the variable exists as an environment variable it is read there, else it takes the default value.

Note that if you need to find other custom libraries or include headers, you can use the utilities tomographer.include.find_include_dir() or tomographer.include.find_lib().


You might be tempted to move the import statements for pybind11, numpy, etc. inside a function, and add those modules as setup(..., setup_requires=...) and/or setup(..., install_requires=). You’ll realize that this doesn’t work with PIP (install_requires installs the package too late, and setup_requires does not know about PIP—it uses only easy_install—and the package might not be installed properly). It’s a mess. Try it yourself, waste about a full day on that, but after that don’t waste any more time and revert your changes back to how it was if you don’t want to go insane as I almost did. Conclusion: Let’s avoid any unnecessary casualties, and stick to making sure the requirements are already installed from the start of the setup.py script; we just need to document this properly.